Health Medical

I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis fifteen years ago, and I have had several flare-ups flanked by periods of remission during that time. I'm pleased to say a number of new drug treatments have become available since I was diagnosed, but I've always been keen to explore alternative treatments, such as hydrotherapy, acupuncture, homeopathy and massage, as a way of complementing my medical treatment. I started this blog to document the alternative treatments I've tried and share information about current research into drug-free treatments for managing the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. If you've tried an alternative treatment that's eased your symptoms, I'd love to share your experiences on the blog.

Questions to Ask Your Obstetrician

25 January 2019
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Do you consider yourself to be a very private individual, who likes to keep her own affairs to herself and who may not want to trouble others with her issues? If so, you may feel particularly uncomfortable discussing any personal matters with anyone else and may even shy away from going to a specialist for the same reason. Yet you don't need to be embarrassed when talking with an obstetrician, as they fully understand the challenge you may be going through and have come across every problem that you're likely to encounter. Read More …

A checklist to ensure you have hired a competent vascular surgeon

26 September 2018
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

A vascular surgeon is a medical specialist who deals with illnesses of the vascular system. Your vascular system consists of your blood vessels, that is the arteries and the veins. Therefore, a vascular surgeon will diagnose and treat illnesses such as varicose veins, peripheral artery disease, spider veins, blood clots within the vessel such as thrombus and so on. Aside from merely carrying out a surgical procedure, a vascular surgeon will also assist the patient to manage the conditions. Read More …

3 Ways to Protect Yourself From Skin Cancer (Besides Sunscreen)

25 April 2018
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

No one wants to have skin cancer, or any other type of cancer for that matter. So, in a bid to protect oneself, many people hit the local store and invest in quality sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 30 during the summer. Additionally, they also purchase quality moisturizers and hats to protect the face from UV radiation. However, these aren't the only ways to protect your skin from cancer. Read More …

Hamstring Injuries: The Worst Enemy of Sportspeople Everywhere

27 July 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you watch sport regularly, there's a good chance you've heard about players being off the field because of a hamstring injury. And if you play a sport yourself, it might just be one of the things you dread the most. Despite its misleading name, the hamstring is actually three separate muscles that are situated at the back of each thigh. They're often called by this name and considered a single part because they work in unison when you use your knees. Read More …

What Chiropractors Do

19 June 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Chiropractors are health practitioners specially trained to treat the joints and muscles of the body with their hands. In Australia, chiropractic practice is government regulated. Practitioners must be registered with the Chropractic Board of Australia after undergoing an accredited 5-year university programme within Australia. Overseas trained chiropractors must have completed an accredited programme which satisfies the requirements of the Chropractic Board of Australia. The term 'chiropractic' has its roots in the Greek language, meaning treatment by hand. Read More …